Thursday, November 19, 2020

Weekly Blog Post 11

This week I watched a lot of videos on storyboarding and perspective. I wanted to improve my panels by capturing believable angles. I will improve my storyboards before moving onto the next scene. A lot of youtube Art channels helped explain how perspective works and how I can implement it into my boards.

Thursday, November 12, 2020

Weekly Blog Post 10

 This week I worked on my storyboards and I as drew the bird character, I was able to find a consistent design. I finished scenes 1 and 2 from my script but added a lot of details to help the story make sense. Please let me know if I need to add anything else before I move onto the next scenes. I colored one board because the down angle was difficult to portray. I'm not sure if I need to color the rest of the boards now for consistency. The timing is also rough so I will continue to tweak as I watch the animatic again when I put more panels in.

Thursday, November 5, 2020

Weekly Blog Post 9

 This week I started on thumbnails. I wanted to finish the bird design but I feel I'll get a more solid feel if I draw what I need the baby bird to be able to do. I also have a few more characters I need to work on but they won't be in the first scene. When I flesh out the storyboards, I'll draw over the bird sketches to make them more consistent once I have the design done.

Weekly Post 13 Final Presentation

Senior Portfolio Final Review What were your goals this semester? My goals for this semester to improve upon my Digital 2D art skills and 3D...