Shapeshift Dungeon Game Production

Game Complete!

Sprint Blog 6
This Sprint I completed 7 cards that's total worth were15 points , I am still working on or stuck in to verify with 1 icon card worth 1 point, and have more enemy animations in the cards assigned to me. 
Completed Cards
The Kapala was in to verify last Sprint and was completed this time after completing the shading. This card was worth 3 points since it required many different versions. I was struggling a lot on the shading for the blood and open parts of the skull to make it look like a cup.

I finished the Cloak of Darkness I started last Sprint swiftly; it was worth 1 point.

I finished 3 simple animations for the slime enemy each card worth 3 points. It was nice break from drawing and I got to improve upon my game and creature animation skills.

Slime Crawl:

Slime Lunge Attack:


Slime Death:

Near the end of the Sprint I had two last icons to create. I finished the Monster Mask; it was worth 1 point.

And as always at the end of each Sprint, I play-test each team's games. They all have grown a lot over the semester and I am proud of my classmates for their hard work. If this card does not count, my total for this Sprint is 14 points.

 Incomplete Cards
I started on the Steel Toe Boots icon on Tuesday right after I finished the mask but ran out of time and was waiting on feedback.

First version:

Latest version:

 Assigned Cards
I was assigned more animation cards this Sprint but I am not sure I would've been able to start them even if I finished the icon above. I have not been updated about the rig or model for the animation.

Sprint Blog 5
This Sprint I had 1 card worth 3 points and completed 3 cards worth 1 points for a total of 6 points. Unfortunately, I was given some last minute feed back on the card worth 3 points so it's not technically completed.
 Uncompleted 3 point Card

The Kapala contains 5 images to show the varying fullness of the skull with blood. I finished most of them but when the blood is visible from the top, the shading got a little tricky so I turned it too soon. My leaders would also prefer a thinner outline for this icon as well.
Full Cup: (Shading needs work)

85% Full Cup:
70% Full Cup:
50% Full Cup:
Empty Cup:

Completed 1 point Cards
The Dummy was the most recently completed. The reference from the modeling team was very helpful and made the image much easier to draw. I could select the main colors for the clothes to keep it consistent and chose a brighter brown for the wood so it stood out. I made the mistake of using the wrong brush size so my line art strokes were too thick and I was told after I moved it to verify to fix it. It took a while but it gave me an opportunity to clean up the textures that leaked outside the lines and weren't visible until it was discord.
Final Product:

The Bag of Holding was a fun icon since it can look like any bag. I went through a couple of versions for this icon since the references varied quite a bit and I wanted to include small trinkets.

1st Draft:

The First draft felt off with the flowers and I agreed with my Director that the potions attached to the bag took away from the main part.

2nd Draft:

 For the 2nd draft, I added some shading and details such as seams.

Final Product:
My Director liked the 2nd Draft but wanted a blue gem rather than a metal button for the latch.

The Armor icon was quite simple since I just combined my references.
Lead Suit 1.jpgLead Suit 3.jpg
Final Product:

In-progress 1 point Card to be continued Sprint 6

Cloak of Darkness (1st Draft)
I was very excited to start this icon but it's a real challenge. I need to shade with different shade of black and it's hard to see sometimes. I'm not very good with clothes but since cloaks are usually baggy and wispy, I'm sure it'll be a lot of fun.

Sprint Blog 4

During this sprint, I completed 5 cards or 5 points total. My assigned cards are the item icons so the list is ongoing and my job is to do as many as possible based on the order of priority. My assigned cards for Sprint 4 were the Gem, the Laser Wand, the Bomb Bag, Rocket Boots, and Lead Armor. I completed the first 4 cards and have the Lead Armor icon to do during Thursday and our next sprint. The fifth point was earned by play-testing the other team's games.

The first icon card I finished was the Bomb Bag. It took longer than expected and got carried over from Sprint 3. It had a lot of different components and I had a lot of trouble figuring out how to make the bomb emblem attach to the bag. I did not want to do a monochromatic sign but it was hard to make it not look flat. I also needed feedback when I got stuck on the final version because the bomb and bag were both dark colors and I needed the bomb to stand out.
Before Shading
After Shading
Experimenting with layer effects


Final Version

The Gem icon took less time than I anticipated since I learned a lot since the last I drew a gem for the flame crown. It also helped that my Director had a color chosen and a model to reference it off of.

3D model reference

Before Touch-ups
After Touch-ups

The Laser Wand was another challenge because my Director wanted it to have another effect like the flame wand rather than an icon that would how its power.

My first design was lasers shooting out of the wand. I made two bases, but in the end I chose the wooden one to keep a similarity to the flame wand.



I decided to change the lasers since my Director did not want them going in random directions.

After seeing the previous design, my Director decided that he would rather have an effect so the laser power of the wand does not get cut off at the edge of the sprite.

To amend this, I redesigned the effect and added more technological aspects to the wand.

Before Shading
After Shading and fixing the effect
The final version is similar to the previous one, but I wanted to fix the effects since it looked more like a glitch near the end of the laser.

The Rocket Boots icon were quite a challenge. I wasn't sure how to shade them since the material was unclear. The rockets were also tricky since they are metallic and have a different texture so the shading took a lot of patience. After shading, I was happy with the end product.

Basic Shading


Shading with Patience


Play-testing the other teams' games is always fun. I enjoy seeing the updates that have occurred and how they have improved upon the game based on player feedback.

My card in progress is the Lead Armor and I do not have anything yet assigned after that but I know there are lots of icons in the backlog.

Sprint Blog 3
For Sprint 3, I picked up the pace and did 4 icons. I completed the Flame Crown, Fire Wand, Battery, and Bowling Ball.
The Flame Crown took longer than anticipated because there were a few intricate details that needed to nailed down before I could say it done. The jewels were a big challenge since they needed to seem attached to the crown rather than at a flat angle. The final touches were the reflections on the crown and the opacity of the fire.

The largest image, Bottom Left, is the final Flame Crown Icon.
After the Flame Crown, I immediately started on the Fire wand. The wand was a bit trickier since I didn't know what kind of effect he wanted to go around the wand. I also struggled with the shape of the wand. My director wanted a simpler shape so I did that. After learning how to use the fire tool, I was able to manipulate an effect around the wand. The final image is seen below.

The other iterations of the fire effect are below. I played opacity and having red and yellow as a background color to bring more light to the flame effect.

The images to the left are the different shapes I experimented with, but were not favored by my director.
The images below are the effects I tried before discovering the flame tool. My director kind of liked the red swirl one, but did not want the swirls to meet evenly in the middle.

After finishing the Fire Wand, I started on the battery. I tried to do different colors but my director preferred how it looked as an off-brand Duracell battery. 
 Below is the final image of the battery and below it are some colors I tried to do instead.

After the Battery icon, I had the Bowling Ball which was also pretty simple. The tricky part was figuring out how to do waves on the ball without it looking detached.
Below is the final image of the Bowling Ball.

The two images below are when I got pretty close. The first one, the holes were too big and distorted. The second one, the waves didn't feel right

My currently assigned icon is the Bomb Bag. I have will start it during class on Thursday. Also assigned to me is to play test everyone's games. I had a lot of fun and hope I gave good feedback to each team.

I do not know what I have assigned after the Bomb Bag, but I know it will be more icons. Some issues I had this sprint was not understanding what my director wanted, but I always asked if I wasn't sure. This sprint was a lot better since the other people in my department helped me with feedback.

Sprint Blog 2

For Sprint 2, I was assigned the UI Icons for the game HUD. I needed to make the style consistent throughout the game's layout. My cards assigned were the health potion, the stat potion, the herb icon, the flame crown icon, and play testing the prototypes for each team.

I completed the health potion quickly since I only had a few things to fix before it was done.

The stat potion was a chance for me to experiment with new shapes since I would be starting the process over. I started with multiple rough sketches after looking at some references before I showed my producer and director.

They wanted me to stick to a more traditional potion bottle shape and gave me these references to refer to.

I made some prototypes before they decided that they wanted one closer to the reference on the right above. I was a little bummed since this potion would not be as unique as the health potion.

I played with the bottle shape above to make the curves more prominent at the bottom. I changed the color multiple times to see which my director would like best. I added little effects to the liquid to make it look magical and mysterious. One problem I ran into was not communicating effectively with my director. It was hard to know what he wanted if he did not tell me specifically.

After many variations and effects to make the liquid inside look appealing, I finished the stat potion.

After the stat potion and health potion were officially done, I went straight to work on the herb icon.

I played with different ways the leaves could come out of the stems and what roots could look like. I knew the herb needed to be red so I stuck with red and orange colors throughout the process.

My director liked the first image the best so I reworked it to make it flow better and made the leaf shape resemble more like a basil's. After some shading and highlights, I finished the herb icon.

The last card I finished was the playtesting prototypes of everyone's first build. It was a lot of fun to play through each game and see what each group came up with. The games were all unique and had a good start with the design, environment, and movement control.

My next project was the flame crown which I was very excited about. I quickly drew up roughs for a crown outline.

My director liked the last one the best and I did too. I redrew the outline and added some quick colors to show him what it could look like.

Unfortunately, he did not like the blue flames. This card is still in progress so I will continue to work on the flame crown through Sprint 3.

My next card is creating an icon that covers the special item to show that it is no longer usable for a given amount of time. I will be sure to ask my director what he wants so there are no issues when I begin the process.

Sprint Blog 1

For 495, our team is working on the Shapeshift Dungeon. I am a 2D artist and animator for our team. I have been assigned to design the icons for the play HUD and create the layout for the HUD. 
Throughout the first sprint, I have drawn sketches for the potion icons and player HUD.
My first two tasks I completed
this week were the UI wireframe and the animation reference.
My first task was to sketch the UI wireframe to help the developers see where aspects of the player HUD would be seen on the screen while playing.

My second task to record myself for reference for the attack animation.

My current cards in progress are the HUD icons.

I am working on the potion icons first and then will work my way through the rest.

My first version
My latest version

My latest version with AI image trace
My first version with Adobe Illustrator image trace

My director prefers the first version with the image trace so I will be tweaking it a bit more before having it reviewed for verification.

I have another small potion I am working on but might start over.

After the potions, I have lots more work lined up for myself.

A few issues I have run into is keeping the style consistent. I am going to be making all of the icons but must keep the style consistent so the HUD looks uniform and also unique.

So far communication has been great between my coworkers and me. I am able to ask for advice or critiques for my artwork when needed. My producer and director are both vigilant and open-minded.


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