Thursday, October 15, 2020

Weekly Blog Post 6

This week I worked on the script for my story so I could translate it into storyboard shots.
“A Way Back Home”
Alexis Gutierrez
Synopsis: In prehistoric times, there were dinosaurs of big and small evolving over millions of years. Some had feathers and some had scales. Some could fly and some had necks as long as 50 feet. The most feared and well-known dinosaur was the Tyrannosaurus Rex. However, this story is about a baby Archaeopteryx falling out of his nest and getting lost after being chased away. He meets a friendly T-Rex that helps him find his way home.

Scene 1
In the jungle during the Cretaceous Period. There was a nest on a branch in a tall tree with vines connecting it to multiple trees nearby.

BABY BIRD: (hops onto the nest’s edge and practices flapping his wings).

BABY BIRD: (falls out of his nest).

BABY BIRD falls out of the tree and tries to climb back up but is too weak. He waits at the trunk of the tree calling out for his mother.

BABY BIRD: Mommy! (He jumps up and down flapping his wings again).

Scene 2
Dangerous animals nearby hear his cries and start to get closer. He notices them and believes them to be friendly. Suddenly, they bare their teeth and try to eat him. He runs away in fear for his life from the nest to escape the predators.

Scene 3
BABY BIRD hides in an old log as the creatures run past. After some time passes, he walks outside of the log to see a brachiosaurus (long neck dinosaur) The BABY BIRD is scared of asking someone else since they could eat him in one bite. He goes back into the log to wait and see if any herbivore dinosaurs will help him.

LONG-NECK (LN): (Peacefully eating tree leaves).

BB: Hello? (taps LN's leg) I'm lost! (LN looks at him) Hey, can you give me a lift? I want to see the tops of the trees so I can find my home.

LONG NECK: Fine, but make it quick it's going to get dark soon. (He bends his neck down so the little bird can jump on top).

BABY BIRD quickly realizes the trees in this jungle all look the same from the top. BABY BIRD asks for more help but the dinosaur does not think he will make it back home. 

LONG-NECK (LN): (annoyed) I have to get going. Ask someone else for help.

(LN exits)

BABY BIRD sees the sky getting darker and quickly retreats to the log and sleeps there for the night.

Scene 4
The next day, a T-REX is attacked by a group of Pteranodons. The T-REX goes to yell for help but no dinosaurs wanted to.

T-REX: (looks around frantically as if he was a small prey)(He stomps loudly as he tries to escape the mean birds).

Startled by the T-REX, BABY BIRD crawls out of the log and loudly screams at the sight of so many predators. The Pteranodons notice BABY BIRD. The group leaves the T-REX to target BABY BIRD. T-REX quickly steps into action to protect the BABY BIRD T-REX goes to a nearby lake and catches some fish in his mouth.

T-REX: Hey bird-brains! Isn't this what you want? (He tosses the fish down a hill).

The group of Pteranodons ditch the BABY BIRD in order to chase the bigger meal. After saving his life, the BABY BIRD trusts the T-rex.

BABY BIRD: Thank you for saving me!

T-REX: I should be thanking you. If you didn't catch their attention I never would have been able to trick them with their favorite food. So what's a little guy doing out here all alone?

BABY BIRD: Oh I got lost. I am trying to find my home but no one wants to help me.

T-REX: I'll help! (He gently puts his jaw onto the ground in front of BABY BIRD) Hop onto my snout and you can lead the way.

BABY BIRD hops onto the T-REX's snout and they start walking toward the direction BABY BIRD remembers coming from. 

Scene 5
After a few hours of walking, the T-REX helps him find his tree. They spot MOTHER BIRD in the nest. She flies down to hug her baby and realizes they were on top of a T-Rex. BABY BIRD introduces him as his friend and tells her about how T-REX helped him. MOTHER BIRD thanks him and T-REX waves goodbye to BABY BIRD.

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