Thursday, May 13, 2021

Weekly Post 13 Final Presentation

Senior Portfolio Final Review

What were your goals this semester?

My goals for this semester to improve upon my Digital 2D art skills and 3D animation. I also wanted to learn Toon Boom but with work and classes based on projects, it seemed impossible. 

Did you achieve your goals for the semester?

I achieved my goals of working on my 2D art and 3D animation skills. I did not learn much about Toon Boom.

A lot of things worked out thanks to my classes. I was able to design concept art and item icons for the game development.

Some examples of the 2D art I created:

Some of the animation I created:
Individual Scene

Robed Mage


What worked and didn't?

I was able to practice a lot but I wish I could've learned more 2D animation while studying at CSU Chico. It is really difficult for me to study on my own to learn something new. I need more self-discipline and focus in order to make progress. I hope that I will prosper over the summer and reach my goals for 2D animation.

What would you do differently in your project?

I wanted to learn more about other software I have yet to mingle with since a lot of job postings I was interested in want me to know Adobe After Effects or Adobe Animate or Adobe InDesign. Toon Boom was the software I wanted to learn for 2D animation but a lot of television shows are using puppets rather than frame-by-frame animation.

I found some YouTube tutorials online otherwise I need to subscribe to sites like Pluralsight to learn about these software. Since I am a student, I am able to obtain Adobe CC for a year for free but I would have to pay for Toon Boom after my free trial expires.

Thursday, May 6, 2021

Weekly Post 12

For this week, I've mostly been working on 432 and 545. I got my second covid shot on Tuesday and basically slept and rehydrated for two days. I was worn out and finally felt better Thursday morning. I got most of my biped rig done except for the stuff my professor wants us to add on from Monday's lecture. My 495 has a build due Tuesday so everyone is working hard to polish our game. My 545 animation class is going steady as I clean up the holds and cameras. I've learned a lot here at CSU Chico and I know I still have a lot more to learn from new challenges and projects that await me in my future career. I've been applying to any animation job or art internship but I haven't had much luck. I'll work hard over the summer to improve my skills and create an awesome Demo Reel! I can't believe I'm about to graduate in 2 weeks. It feels unreal but also as if the time flew by. I plan on taking a few more classes at community college to improve my Spanish but my primary goal is to attain a full-time job in animation or digital art.

432 Rigging

Biped Rig Part 9 and Locators done!

495 Game Development

I made one new icon and only had time to clean up two others by erasing the outer edges so they didn't show up in a PNG file.

Gem Bag

545 Advanced Animation Production

My second to last update for this project.

Thursday, April 29, 2021

Weekly Post 12

I was pretty preoccupied with rigging and wedding planning and having my brother move in with his kids while waiting for his new house to get ready so I did not get as much done as I did last week. It's been a hectic week but I'm still going. I've been applying to more internships but only a few have responded with rejection letters. I hope to get a job that's somewhat creative over the summer or else I will basically do freelance until I have the experience they are looking for. I'm setting up a Fiver account but the gig forms are so long that it takes forever to fill out just one. I won't give up though! 

I got two icons done but I won't get much done over the weekend since I'm kind of stuck without the character I need to animate doesn't have a rig. I offered my help but since I'm rigging right now, I'm not sure if I'll do it correctly since there are a thousand ways to rig a character.

495 Game Production- ShapeShift Dungeon

(Spiked) Steel Toe Boots

Monster Mask

Friday, April 23, 2021

Weekly Post 11



Kapala (5 images)
Empty skull (no blood) needed more shading around the rim to resemble a cup. I had a lot of trouble with the shading but since its a small icon I hope any mistakes won't be too noticeable.

Cloak of Darkness
This one was really fun! Lots of shades of black was a challenge but I like the subtle draping of the robes.

Slime Animation


Lunge Attack


Individual Work

Thursday, April 15, 2021

Weekly Blog Post 10

This week I caught up in a few classes. I got a lot of rigging done and illustrations for the icon art for the game my team is working on. I still have a lot to do for animation in my 545 class but I feel less stressed. I definitely got my 2D art practice this semester but I hope to practice more traditional art and on paper over the summer. I also want to jump back into 2D animation by practicing with Krita and maybe Toon Boom once I have a more stable job. I'm currently thinking about buying a new drawing tablet since I've had my 13" Wacom Cintiq for over 7 years now and it's starting to feel a bit small. I've looked at Huion 22 plus since I don't have enough to buy a new or used 22" Cintiq.


Dummy                                                           Final Version:

The Dummy was a simple icon and very quick to make since they had a 3D model for the game so I was able to use that as reference.

Old Version:

Cloak of Darkness WIP

I'm still working on this icon but I would love some tips on how to shade clothing.


For 432, I am learning how to rig and it's hard but a very useful skill to learn so I can talk to riggers as an animator in case I feel something feels off about the character and how the controls could be improved.

I'm not great with technical issues but working with Maya has taught me a lot on how to overcome them. The thing I struggle most with in Maya is UV's and textures. I was having trouble with this because even though I followed the tutorial every step of the way, I am somehow managed to screw the textures. I tried to figure it out on my own by researching to see if anyone else had a similar issue. Their solutions didn't work so I asked Frank and he found that I flipped my UV's so that's why parts of the Cyclops looked black. Black textures usually mean there are no textures so I thought I just needed to reload it. Rigging is time-consuming much like animation and I admire people who can do either.

This assignment is about halfway done so I'm excited to see what's in store for May.

Thursday, April 8, 2021

Weekly Blog Post 9

 This week I worked on Rigging and Game Design Art Icons. I haven't had a lot of time for animating so I hope to get feedback on my animation scene from last time so I can work on it this weekend.

For rigging, I have been struggling with making the proxy geometry. The tutorial shows us how to the hands, arms and legs (kind of), but not the torso, head, or back. I do not want to continue the videos and get too far ahead when I am pretty sure I need to fix the proxy geometry.

Other than that, I have been drawing item icons for ShapeShift Dungeon.

Please play-test the game if you can so we can improve our game!

Shapeshift Dungeon

And if you have a lot of free time, feel free to play-test the other games my classmates are working on for their teams.


Into The Woods

Guilded Fletching 

These are the Icons I worked on this week:

Lead Armor


Bag Of Holding

Kapala (WIP)

I know the ripple on the last (Full) one is off, so I would love some tips on how to improve its depth. I also need to make another in-between for this so some help on that would be nice. It needs to be between the almost full and full.

Thursday, April 1, 2021

Weekly Blog Post 8

 This week I worked on a few icons and cleaning up the blocking for my 545 animation. I splined one character to see how it would look so I know I need to fix the holds and camera movements.

Individual First Pass Scene 5

Team 545 First Pass

For 495, I worked on 2D art and making more icons for our game production.

My first icon was the Laser Wand. I worked on the effects to show what power the wand produced. At first, it had multiple lasers shooting out and then a single laser but ultimately my Director wanted it to look similar to the Fire Wand. I had two designs for the base but I liked the greenish-blue wood better than the unknown mechanical object.
My second icon was Rocket boots. I used the fire tool again and then spent most of my time shading to get the materials to look better.

Weekly Post 13 Final Presentation

Senior Portfolio Final Review What were your goals this semester? My goals for this semester to improve upon my Digital 2D art skills and 3D...