Thursday, February 25, 2021

Weekly Blog Post 4

 This week I worked on icons for my game design class.

I worked on an icon for the red herb, flame crown, and stat potion.

The red herb took a few days because I was not sure how my director wanted the leaf shape to look. After a few different versions, I landed on the illustration below.

Here is my most recent version. I am still working on the details for the gems and the fire and then I will add highlights and shadows to the whole thing.
I first made it with blue flames, but my director preferred red flames.

These are some variations I made for the flame crown.

The health potion I posted last week and the stat potion took a lot longer because there was a lot of experimenting with effects and layers to make the liquid look more real and magical. 

I went through a lot of different shapes before choosing the one above.

Thursday, February 18, 2021

Weekly Blog Post 3

 This week I updated my resume and created a cover letter to practice applying for jobs. The job I "applied" for was a 2D UI artist/Animator intern at thatgamecompany.

My team for the 545 animation had a bit of trouble communicating so we could not start our blocking until the night before it was due.

Here is a small piece of my blockout. Since it was extremely rushed, please advise me on what I can do for stronger poses.

This week I worked on 2D icons for 495: The top two I am waiting to be verified while the last two are different ways I could go for one item icon.

Thursday, February 11, 2021

Weekly Blog Post 2

This week I worked on the potion icons for CAGD 495. I started setting up the scene for my ladder 3D animation practice but have yet to start its block out. I was hoping to start blocking out my scene for CAGD 545, but my team has been technical issues with the models and are unable to share the project file.

For the game design class, I am in charge of creating 2D art for the UI icons to ensure they have a consistent style. After the models and rigs are done, I will switch to animation to help the player character and monsters come to life.

The big health potion

 I went through many versions for this before deciding on this heart-like shape.

My Director would like me to try importing my final design in to adobe illustrator and play around with the image trace tool.

The second potion I have been working on

The first version had a lot of things wrong.

I thought this version looked good but my Director would like me to experiment with a more unique shape. This card task was only supposed to take 2 days but has taken me over a week.

I also worked on two rigs for 432.

Below is the rig we learned how to paint on mass to our objects. The animation shows that even when we bend the object, it does not affect the mass. Without this tool, the middle of the pipe would shrink and not be a convincing metal pipe.

Below is the animated textures using the audio from John Mulaney- Being Bad at Math

Thursday, February 4, 2021

CAGD 493 Spring 2021 Blog post 1

 Weekly Blog Post 1

This week I have set small goals for this class because last semester I shot for the moon and was not able to complete my project. After getting a hang of my schedule between work and classes, I'm starting to adapt to when I need to be doing homework. For this first week, I was overwhelmed by the idea of CAGD 495. CAGD 432 rigging is also a little scary since I'm not very technical, but I hope to do well with help from my peers. After getting to know my team in 495 and the workload I will be handling, I am confident I can keep doing the small assignments I want to do for this class.

1. 3D animation, character climbing a ladder

2. 2D art, a portrait study

3. Digital art, designing logos and characters to find my style

4. Animating logos in Adobe After Effects; I want to learn this tool to land a job in a creative field.

I was able to practice some 2D art for 495. I was assigned to make the UI Icons for our game. I am currently working on the large potion. I want to fix the cork and make the glass more realistic. I appreciate any tips or feedback.

I sketched my ideas for the antagonists and the other icons.

I am not sure how to differentiate between the big potion and the small potion. I do not want to make a simple flask. I also want to explore more designs for the gem icon.


Weekly Post 13 Final Presentation

Senior Portfolio Final Review What were your goals this semester? My goals for this semester to improve upon my Digital 2D art skills and 3D...